We’ve updated HLA equivalency tables and added new values and other enhancements

We’ve updated HLA equivalency tables and added new values and other enhancements

December 7, 2018: Updated system notice

Audience: All UNet Users; particularly OPO staff trying to generate kidney or kidney/pancreas match run lists.


On December 5, we updated the HLA and unacceptable antigen equivalency tables. See the original system notice below. The programming related to this change created some confusion recently for some UNet users.

As part of the table update, we added a second field and additional drop-down options for DR51, 52 and 53. UNet users were unclear what to enter in these new required fields.

Scenario: If OPO staff left the second field blank, DonorNet interpreted that blank field as “incomplete HLA”. This made it impossible for them to generate a kidney or kidney/pancreas match run because it closed any match runs at zero..

We have fixed the problem

  • We have programed the second new fields for DR 51, DR 52, and DR 53 to be optional when generating a kidney or kidney/pancreas match run list
  • This has no impact on when a transplant program registers a kidney, kidney/pancreas, or kidney paired donation candidate.

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December 5, 2018: system notice about HLA equivalency table changes


  • Transplant hospital staff
  • OPOs
  • Histocompatibility lab staff
  • OPTN KPD program participants

Please share this information with anyone in your organization who would benefit.

Implementation date:
December 5, 2018

Every year, the OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors review and approve changes to the HLA and unacceptable antigen equivalency tables. We have updated those tables and the changes are in effect. You’ll notice changes to HLA and the unacceptable antigen dropdown menus throughout the UNet, DonorNet, Waitlist, TIEDI and KPD applications. We’ve outlined below what is specifically changing. It is important that you familiarize yourself with everything new.

Specific changes

We removed and relabeled two values throughout the entire system.

  • B4415 now displays as B44
  • DR103 now displays as DR01:03

Additional dropdown selections

You now see additional values for all loci (except HLA-DQA1). For DR51, DR52, DR53, you will see the following new values:

  • DR51: 5*01, 5*01:01, 5*01:02, 5*02, 5*02:02
  • DR52: 3*01, 3*01:01, 3*02, 3*02:01, 3*02:02, 3*03, 3*03:01
  • DR53: 4*01, 4*01:01, 4*01:03

CPRA calculation changes
Whenever we modify unacceptable antigens, candidate CPRA scores may change slightly.

New features:

Unacceptable antigen section in Waitlist and KPD and CPRA calculator:
You may now either manually add unacceptable antigens (the way you have been doing) or you may copy and paste a comma delimited list of unacceptable antigen values (ex. A1,A01:01,DR01:01,DR523*01:01). We changed the look of the Waitlist CPRA calculator in the Reports section so that it resembles this new unacceptable antigen portion on a candidate page.

The candidate page is now an additional place where you can calculate CPRA. You can now see real-time changes in the CPRA score but it won’t be stored until you hit the save button.

Import Unacceptable Antigens to Active Waiting List
If you used this feature in the past, you needed to know how the antigen code was labeled in the database, which may have differed from what you saw in UNet.
For example:

Before, an import file may look like this:
A201, BW4, DR0401, DR5252
Now, the import file should look like this:
A02:01, BW4, DR04:01, DR523*01:01

KPD eligibility:
If you have entered an HLA value for your candidate under DR51, DR52, or DR53, we will automatically prefill a newly created second dropdown column with a negative value. This ensures that your candidate does not become ineligible for the organ offer.

Policy Resources:
You’ll find the Antigen Equivalence tables in Policy 4, located on the OPTN website.
This policy notice explains the board’s responsibility for reviewing and approving equivalency table updates each year.

If you have questions about these system changes, please contact the UNOS Customer Service (UNet Help Desk) at (800) 978-4334. For general questions, particularly those related to compliance, monitoring or policy, please contact your UNOS Regional Administrator at 804-782-4800.

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