Webinars provide information about public comment proposals

Webinars provide information about public comment proposals

Public comment is open, August 2 through October 2. We offer several webinar opportunities to help you learn more about policy and bylaws changes available for review and feedback.

  • Eliminate the use of DSA and Region in kidney allocation policy
  • Eliminate the use of DSA and Region in pancreas allocation policy
  • Expedited liver placement
  • Modify data submission policies
  • Clarification of pre-existing liver disease
  • Data collection to evaluate the logistical impact of broader distribution
  • Modify appointment process for Histocompatibility Committee vice-chair
  • Continuous distribution of lungs concept paper

Register for upcoming webinars and view recordings.

We encourage patients, transplant candidates and recipients, living donors, donor families and transplant professionals to learn more and provide valuable feedback to help shape U.S. organ transplant policy. View at-a-glance summaries to explain the proposed changes and why they may matter to you.

After public comment closes, we review all comments we receive about a proposed change before the OPTN Board of Directors votes on it.

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