Webinar provides early results from phase V of WPFL hospital campaign

Webinar provides early results from phase V of WPFL hospital campaign

The most successful campaign in HRSA’s 15-year-old Workplace Partnership for Life (WPFL) initiative—the “Let Life Bloom” Hospital Campaign—is nearing the end of its fifth phase.

The campaign brings together OPOs, eye banks, Donate Life America affiliates, hospitals and hospital associations to educate staff, visitors and community members about the importance of becoming an organ, eye and tissue donor.

Want to hear more about this successful campaign? Plan now to participate in a “wrap-up” webinar to hear early results, success stories—and perhaps share your own, May 25, 2 to 3 p.m. ET.

UNOS is a National Partner in the “Let Life Bloom” hospital campaign.

(If you’re participating in the hospital campaign, remember to submit your scorecard by April 30.)

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