Waitlist enhancement enables online pediatric lung exception requests for adolescent classification

Waitlist enhancement enables online pediatric lung exception requests for adolescent classification

Audience: Pediatric lung programs

On May 18, we enhanced Waitlist to enable online submission of exception requests for pediatric lung candidates under age 12 to be classified with other adolescents, aged 12 to 17, according to their LAS score.

OPTN Policy 10.2.B allows for members to request an exception for these candidates in Waitlist. The previous request process was handled manually.

If the exception request is approved, a second listing must be created. You need to contact UNOS, as this portion of the process is still handled manually. This will allow the candidate to receive priority offers on adolescent or adult match runs.

If you have questions about the exception process or the changes, please contact your regional administrator at 804-782-4800.

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