View distance from donor hospital to transplant hospital on heart and lung matches

View distance from donor hospital to transplant hospital on heart and lung matches


All DonorNet® match users

On July 24, 2019, we added a new report feature to the DonorNet match page that shows the distance in nautical miles from the donor hospital to each transplant hospital that appears on the match run. To access this feature, users can simply click on the orange link titled “Show distance to transplant center(s)” which appears at the top of the match run page.

This feature is currently visible for heart, lung and heart/lung matches because only those organ allocation policies classify candidates based on distance in nautical miles.  We will expand the availability of this feature when we implement OPTN policy changes for other organs that use distance to classify candidates.

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If you have questions, please contact UNOS customer service at [email protected] or (800) 978-4334.

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