VCA Uterus no longer needs body part selection- effective March 27, 2024

VCA Uterus no longer needs body part selection- effective March 27, 2024

The OPTN’s data collection for vascularized composite allografts (VCAs) in UNetSM will no longer require body part selection for uterus registered candidates according to VCA committee guidance which specified the body parts (uterus, vagina, cervix).

Additional details

WaitlistSM enhancements include:

  • The body part(s) field will be removed from the medical information section of the uterus candidate registration form
  • The organ type field will have only “Uterus” as an option when removing a VCA uterus candidate for a transplant

DonorNet® enhancements include:

  • Accepting a VCA uterus offer response will default to “Uterus”


In September 2023, 10 VCA organ allocation and registration were moved into UNet. OPTN members expressed the challenge of body part selection and indicating which body parts are included in a uterus transplant was seen as redundant by clinicians.

Transplant hospitals that manage their VCA candidates in Waitlist will no longer need to indicate the body part for uterus candidate registrations and removals. OPOs will no longer need to indicate the uterus body part for uterus offer acceptance.

What you need to do

  • When removing a uterus registration, select the uterus option. No action required
  • There is no change to the VCA-uterus match
  • There is nothing for transplant hospitals to do
    • VCA – uterus registrations will be adjusted
  • There is nothing for OPOs to do
    • Accepted organ offer responses for a VCA – uterus match will be adjusted as part of implementation
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