VCA into UNet: education available

VCA into UNet: education available


Professional education is now available for members who will list and manage the records of VCA transplant candidates and donors when allocation moves into UNetSM on Sept. 14.

To access professional education, log into UNOS Connect and search for:

  • VCA 102: VCA Allocation in UNet

In addition to VCA 102, reviewing the education in UNet University (Waitlist and DonorNet) will help to build UNet foundational knowledge.

What you need to do

  • Take the professional education module
  • Sign up for self-guided UNet training by emailing [email protected] by Aug. 28 (details below)
  • VCA site security administrators should set up their users before Aug. 28

Additional details

On Sept. 6, VCA users can obtain access to a self-guided training environment to gain UNet experience. If you are interested in having access to this training, email [email protected] with your organization name, first name, last name, and UNet username (if available).

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