Use Internet Explorer (IE) 11 or Chrome browsers, not Firefox, to access UNOS KPD system

Use Internet Explorer (IE) 11 or Chrome browsers, not Firefox, to access UNOS KPD system


All UNOS KPD system users

Please forward this message to others who need to know this information.


Errors occur when users access the UNOS KPD system with the unsupported Mozilla Firefox browser. Please discontinue use of this browser to access the KPD system.

On Wednesday, July 27, we added a reminder about browser use, if members try to use Firefox to access the KPD system.

More Details

We strongly recommend that users access the KPD system and other UNOS Secure EnterpriseSM applications with Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 11. Earlier versions of Internet Explorer: IE 8, 9, and 10, are no longer supported by Microsoft®.

We are also working to upgrade other UNetSM applications, so that users can access them with Google Chrome. This project will be implemented on September 22, 2016. Learn more, and please pass this information along to your organization’s IT staff for assistance with browser and operating system changes.


Contact UNOS Customer Service at (800) 978-4334 or [email protected] with questions.

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