Updated 18-month monitoring report available for National Liver Review Board

Updated 18-month monitoring report available for National Liver Review Board

A data report is available in the Liver and Intestine section of Resources on the OPTN website. The report contains key measures of the National Liver Review Board for its first 18 months of operation in tandem with changes implemented along with the acuity circles liver policy.

The report details activities including the following key trends over the review period as compared to the 18 months prior to implementation:

  • The percentages of initial and extension request forms automatically approved have increased, thus decreasing the number of forms requiring additional review.
  • The approval rates of initial request forms have decreased, while the approval rates for extension request forms are similar to the pre-implementation time frame.
  • The average time from exception request form submission to adjudication has decreased.
  • The percentage of waitlist registrations with an exception have decreased.
  • The number of deceased donor, liver-alone transplants has decreased for non-HCC exception candidates.

An additional monitoring report is planned for the 24 months following implementation.

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