Upcoming UNOS system maintenance on Tues. Dec. 6 from 9-10p.m.

Upcoming UNOS system maintenance on Tues. Dec. 6 from 9-10p.m.


All UNetSM users

Please pass this notice along to others who may need to know this information.


UNOS plans system maintenance work on Tuesday, December 6th, from 9-10 p.m (ET). UNet and other UNOS applications will be available during this time period, but you may receive a security certificate warning .

During the maintenance window, use the instructions below to safely continue to the UNet login page, for Internet Explorer or Google Chrome browsers.

We apologize in advance for any issues that may occur.

More details

Please note that these instructions apply ONLY during the time we are performing system maintenance (9-10 p.m. on December 6th), and not before or after the maintenance window.

Internet Explorer

When you get a message that says “There is a problem with this website’s security certificate,” choose “Continue to this website (not recommended).”

Google Chrome

When you get a message that says “Your connection is not private,” choose “Advanced,” and then “Proceed to portal.unos.org (unsafe).”

Contact the UNOS Organ Center at (800) 292-9537 for any emergency issues during this time period.

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