Upcoming network maintenance on UNOS systems

Upcoming network maintenance on UNOS systems

All UNOS system users

On Thursday, February 23; 9-11 p.m. (ET), we will perform maintenance work on UNOS systems. If you are logged on to one of the sites listed below, you may experience a brief (a few seconds) outage.

We do not expect this work to affect user web sessions, but if you experience an issue for these sites, close your browser and reopen it.

  • portal.unos.org
  • unet.unos.org
  • donornetmobile.unos.org
  • ransnet.unos.org
  • transnetws.unos.org
  • services.unos.org
  • api.unos.org
  • nationaldmg.org
  • imacsregistry.org
  • ishlt.org

We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.

Please contact the UNOS organ center at (800) 292-9537 if you have emergency issues with organ allocation and/or transport during the maintenance time period.

Please contact the UNOS organ center at (800) 292-9537 if you have emergency issues with organ allocation and/or transport during the maintenance time period.

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