KPD system enhancement allows you to put bridge donors on hold

KPD system enhancement allows you to put bridge donors on hold


All UNOS KPD system users

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On Wednesday, September 28, we added a new “Bridge donor on hold” checkbox, to the Manage Bridge Donors page.

More details

Members requested that we update the KPD system to allow you to put a KPD bridge donor on hold, so that a donor will not be included in a match run until they are ready. Bridge donors will automatically be included in the first match run, after they are identified as a bridge donor, unless they are placed on hold.

To edit this field:

  • Find the “Manage Data” tab at the top of the KPD page.
  • Choose “Manage Bridge Donors.”
  • Select the “Access bridge donor” button to access the Manage Bridge Donor Record page, and then
  • Check or uncheck the “Bridge donor on hold” checkbox.

Checking this button will set the bridge donor’s KPD status to inactive and the KPD eligibility status to ineligible, which will prevent the bridge donor from being included in future match runs.

Uncheck the “Bridge donor on hold” checkbox when the bridge donor is ready to donate. The donor’s KPD status will be set back to active, and the donor will be included in match runs if they meet all eligibility criteria.

We also updated KPD program status emails to include information about on-hold bridge donors.


Contact UNOS Customer Service at (800) 978-4334 or with questions.

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