Upcoming Enhancement to Patient Safety Contact List

Upcoming Enhancement to Patient Safety Contact List

Transplant Centers: Directors, Administrators, Data Coordinators, and Clinical Coordinators

Organ Procurement Organizations: Organ Procurement Directors, Executive Directors, Medical Directors, Administrators/Managers, Compliance Officers, Procurement Coordinators, and Placement Coordinators

Please share this notice with anyone in your organization who would benefit from this information.


The following changes will be implemented on October 16, 2017. Another notice will be sent upon implementation.

According to OPTN/UNOS policy, all Organ Procurement Organizations (OPOs) and transplant centers must identify a patient safety contact, and develop and comply with a written protocol for the patient safety contact to fulfill all the assigned responsibilities.

Currently, the Patient Safety Contact List, a PDF of all OPO and transplant center safety contact information, resides in the UNOS Secure EnterpriseSM system. Modifications to the list are submitted to [email protected] and manually updated on a weekly basis. This process has an increased potential for error.

We will be creating online forms for managing the Patient Safety Contact information to improve efficiency and ensure that the most up-to-date information is available. All UNetSM users will have access to view the primary and secondary contact information for any OPO or transplant center program. The contact information can also be printed for your convenience.

UNOS will use the existing information from the PDF document to pre-populate the Patient Safety contact data for you. Upon implementation, we ask that users verify their contact information is up-to-date and accurate.

On October 2, 2017, two weeks prior to the implementation date, a new permission in UNetSM Security Administration will be made available so that each transplant center and OPO can designate staff who are authorized to manage these data. We encourage you to set up users with the necessary permissions in advance of implementation day.

Note: The location of the Patient Safety Contact List won’t change. The list will still be accessible via the Secure Enterprise homepage.

Upcoming Training
UNOS will offer training on the enhancements to the Patient Safety Contact List. Instructional content will cover how to set permissions, enter new information and print a report of Patient Safety contacts.

We will send a separate training announcement in late September.

Online help documentation will also be available in Secure Enterprise.

Please contact the UNet Help Desk with any questions at (800) 978-4334 or [email protected].

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