Upcoming DonorNet® enhancement—Monitor packaged organs

Upcoming DonorNet® enhancement—Monitor packaged organs


  • Transplant program directors, administrators, coordinators, compliance and quality officers, and clinical support staff
  • OPO CEOs, medical directors, procurement directors and coordinators, compliance and quality officers

Implementation date

March 8


On March 8, a new tab will be made available to organ procurement organizations (OPOs) and transplant hospitals when viewing donor records in DonorNet®. The new tab—labeled organ packages—will display packaged organ information associated with a donor, including:

  • The organ and laterality, if applicable, that has been packaged
  • The packaging OPO
  • The destination of the package
  • Associated tracking information, if it is available in the system

For OPO users, the organ package information will be visible only to institutions that serve as the packaging OPO. For transplant hospital users, the organ package information will be visible only to institutions that serve as the organ’s destination.

Please note that real-time package data in DonorNet may be out of date due to OPO operating room connectivity. Please contact the offering OPO if you have questions on the status of an organ package.

What you need to do

No member action is needed. The new page is for informational purposes only and requires no change to existing procurement, organ offer, or organ offer response processes.

Education and resources

Help documentation describing the new features will be available in DonorNet.


If you have questions relating to implementation, contact UNOS Customer Service at [email protected], or call 800-978-4334 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET.

For policy-related questions, contact [email protected].

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