Recent DonorNet Changes to the Donor Feedback Form and TIEDI Deceased Donor Registration (DDR) Form

Recent DonorNet Changes to the Donor Feedback Form and TIEDI Deceased Donor Registration (DDR) Form


  • All DonorNet users, including all OPO and transplant hospital staff.
  • Please share this notice with anyone in your organization who would benefit from this information.

Implementation Date
November 10, 2016.

At a Glance
The OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors approved a change that requires OPOs to submit DDRs only for deceased donors from whom at least one organ has been recovered for the purpose of transplantation.

In addition to this recently implemented change, we have also enhanced the system in several ways.

Specific Changes to DonorNet

  • OPOs may now update the Match ID and Transplant Center on the donor organ disposition (feedback) page after the disposition is complete.
  • The “Referral Only” field no longer displays on the donor organ disposition (feedback) page.
  • We added this new required field: “Were any organs recovered”. If the response to the field is “No”, then a DDR will not be automatically generated. A DDR will generate only if the response to the field is “Yes” and there is a disposition of “Recovered for Tx but not Tx” or “Transplanted” for at least one organ type.

System Enhancements

  • We changed the lower limit on the Total Bilirubin field on the TIEDI Deceased Donor Registration form from 0.1 to 0.0.
  • You may now select a disposition reason code on the donor feedback form without having to manually type it in.
  • Disposition reason code 516 will be opened up to members for the following organ types: (Previously only accessible to Organ Center staff).
    • Double En Bloc Kidney
    • Right Kidney
    • Left Kidney
    • Pancreas
    • Liver
    • Intestine
    • Heart
    • Double En Bloc Lung
    • Right Lung
    • Left Lung

If you have policy or general questions about these changes, contact your UNOS Regional Administrator at 804-782-4800.
If you have questions related to DonorNet or Waitlist, contact the UNet Help Desk at 800-978-4334.

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