UNOS will launch the national rollout of Offer Filters for kidney on Jan. 27

UNOS will launch the national rollout of Offer Filters for kidney on Jan. 27


  • All UNetSM Users
  • Kidney primary program administrators, surgeons, physicians and quality department staff

Implementation date

Jan. 27, 2022 


On Jan. 27, UNOS will launch the national rollout of Offer Filters, a tool that will increase kidney utilization by helping transplant hospitals avoid unwanted offers so that OPOs can find an accepting candidate more quickly.

Offer Filters will allow kidney transplant programs to:

  • avoid unwanted organ offers
  • accelerate organ allocation and
  • transplant more organs by altering how organ offers are filtered.

During the national rollout, all kidney transplant programs will have access to Offer Filters so they can screen donor offers they do not want to receive through data-driven, multi-criteria filters.

In addition, OPOs will also have a new workflow in DonorNet® when they make electronic offers on kidney matches.

What you need to do 

UNOS will publish educational materials for kidney transplant program and OPO users.  On Jan. 5, 2022, UNOS will send information about how to access these materials.

In the meantime, kidney programs can use the Offer Filters Explorer tool to prepare for the national rollout. This tool allows programs to enter filter criteria and see how a filter would affect the kidney offers your program received over the past 5 years. You can use Offer Filters Explorer to view the potentially effective filters that the model identified for your kidney program.

Education and resources

Instructions on how to access the Offer Filters Explorer tool and filters modeling is located under the Data Services Portal documentation section.

On Jan. 5, 2022, UNOS will publish educational materials for kidney transplant program and OPO users.

Learn more about Offer Filters

Offer Filters is a collaborative effort among the donation and transplantation community and UNOS. The project was initiated by members and designed in collaboration with transplant hospitals and OPOs. Read more about how Offer Filters will use organ acceptance data to improve the decision-making process.


If you have questions relating to implementation, contact UNOS Customer Service at [email protected], or call 800-978-4334 from 8 am to 7 pm EST

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