UNOS upgrading member data platform

UNOS upgrading member data platform

Greater capabilities, easier to upgrade and improve

On September 10, 2018, UNOS formally launched a new platform to vastly update and improve its membership data and related applications. The project is called EMPIR – shorthand for Enhancing Member Performance and Integrating Relationships.

UNOS’ legacy membership database and multiple member data systems often did not have linkages allowing staff working in one application to have ready access to data in another.  These systems were also cumbersome to program for improvements and to add or update data.

The new EMPIR system is a single destination for member data in a cloud-based technology platform.  It integrates multiple systems and applications and can be upgraded much more easily.  It is the new foundation for managing interactions between UNOS, the member community, and other publics that interact with UNOS.

Even before the formal system launch, you may have benefited from some of the improvements.  Early applications of the new system previously in place included automated forms being used to enter and manage potential disease transmission cases reported to the Ad Hoc Disease Transmission Advisory Committee (DTAC).  UNOS also has been using the platform to distribute several e-newsletters to opt-in subscribers, including Transplant Pro, Transplant Living and UNOS Ambassadors.

Institutional and individual member data (contact information, institutional affiliations, volunteer service, etc.) will be more effectively linked across multiple forms and applications, notably the case management system used by UNOS’ Department of Member Quality. You should see benefits in terms of being asked less often to provide the same information to UNOS for multiple different systems.

UNOS is actively working to build new member service applications in the near future to provide you with more ready access to your own institutional data and more efficient communications with UNOS.  Planned enhancements include:

  • An interactive member communications portal to UNOS, allowing you to submit and manage more institutional data online and send and receive secure communications
  • Integration with UNOS’ learning management system (UNOS Connect), allowing you to view customized educational and training opportunities and log your participation
  • Improvements to volunteer management, allowing new capabilities for you to show interest in volunteer service and participate in committees or workgroups

Stay tuned for information about additional features and services in coming months.

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