UNOS supports the Living Donor Protection Act 

UNOS supports the Living Donor Protection Act 

Legislation to reduce barriers to living donation needed now more than ever

United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) is proud to continue supporting the Living Donor Protection Act (H.R. 2923 / S. 1384). This bipartisan bill provides vital protections for living organ donors and would safeguard these generous individuals from discrimination when seeking life insurance, disability insurance or long-term care insurance.

We thank Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Tom Cotton, as well as Representatives Jerrold Nadler, Troy Balderson, Lisa Blunt Rochester, Jim Costa, John Curtis, Diana DeGette, Mariannette Miller-Meeks and Gregory F. Murphy for their leadership and advocacy on this critical issue.

UNOS’ mission is to work with the entire organ donation and transplant community to ensure that patients on the national waitlist have equitable access to lifesaving organ transplants. Increasing the number of people who will consider becoming living donors is essential to achieving this goal. With living donor transplants still short of their pre-COVID-19 pandemic high, this legislation is vitally important.

The selfless individuals who choose to donate an organ should not face discriminatory barriers like higher insurance premiums or a denial of coverage based on their status as living donors.  Once these protections are enshrined into law, others will feel empowered to make the decision to become living donors.

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