UNOS collaborates with surgeons at ASTS innovation event

UNOS collaborates with surgeons at ASTS innovation event

During the January 2019 ASTS (American Society for Transplant Surgeons) Winter Symposium, UNOS joined forces with several surgeons in an innovation event. We really appreciate the the efforts of Deepak Vikraman, Jason Rolls, Satish Nadig, Liise Kayler and Chandra Bhati put into making this event successful. They were fully engaged at all times and offered UNOS IT staff the details needed to make informed decisions to help improve transplant technology.

This collaboration, and others like it, open a window into the world of transplantation that most people do not get to see every day. The initial goal at the ASTS event was to add a “find candidate” feature on the DonorNet® match page, to help transplant hospitals easily search through their potential recipients and manage organ offers. The project took on a life of its own as discussions led to a different solution that provided more value.

Who knew something as simple as displaying additional candidate information in the main columns on the match page would aid in decision making? As a result, we made changes to the kidney and liver match screens, effective March 20.


  • Remove SSN from main view*
  • Add Height
  • Add Weight
  • Add BMI
  • Add EPTS
  • Add Dialysis time
  • Add # of previous kidney transplants


  • Remove SSN from main view*
  • Add Height
  • Add Weight
  • Add BMI
  • Add # previous liver transplants

*Users can still drill down to see the SSN. The SSN will be visible on print match results as well.

Stay tuned for further details and please reach out to Tara Taylor if you are interested in participating in future innovation events or if you have any ideas for improvement to any of our systems.

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