Recent UNet enhancements

Recent UNet enhancements

In addition to the UNet system changes that result from scheduled policy changes, we make enhancements to various UNet features throughout the year to improve your overall user experience. Below you’ll find a summary of the most recent UNet enhancements and the date they were implemented or when we expect to implement them. If you have questions about any of these enhancements, contact UNOS Customer Services at 800-978-4334 or send an email to

OPOs to be required to submit PDTR form electronically

June 1, 2017

Audience: OPO staff that report safety events using UNet’s Patient Safety Portal

At-a-glance: Currently, when reporting a disease transmission event using the Patient Safety Portal, you must email or fax a PDTR form or attach it to your report. The form itself is not changing, but on June 1, the way you submit it is. System updates beginning that day will allow OPOs to enter the PDTR online. This is still required within 24 hours of event notification.

Once the change is in place, OPOs must submit their PDTR online using the link provided in their event notification email. They must also provide the disease transmission event ID and the Donor ID of the donor involved in the event in order to access the online PDTR form. You can find both the transmission event ID and the donor ID in the event notification acknowledgement email.

TIEDI® system enhancement: Adding patient ID to search patient history

April 12, 2017

Audience: Transplant center staff


We enhanced the UNet TIEDI® system to make it easier for you to search for and identify patients from SRTR data reports.


With this change, you can search Patient History yourself, using the new PX ID option search field, to find information about patients on reports for your hospital. The search is based on your existing permissions.

OPOs to be required to submit PDTR form electronically

May 30, 2017

Audience: OPO staff that report safety events using UNet’s Patient Safety Portal

At-a-glance: Currently, when reporting a disease transmission event using the Patient Safety Portal, you must email or fax a PDTR form or attach it to your report. The form itself is not changing, but in the near future, the way you submit it is. We will make system updates this spring that will allow OPOs to enter the PDTR online. This is still required within 24 hours of event notification.

Once the change is in place, OPOs must submit their PDTR online using the link provided in their event notification email. They must also provide the disease transmission event ID and the Donor ID of the donor involved in the event in order to access the online PDTR form. You can find both the transmission event ID and the donor ID in the event notification acknowledgement email.

Waitlist enhancement allows you to edit SSN

January 18, 2017

Audience: Data coordinators for all organ programs

At-a-glance: Previously, if you needed to adjust the SSN for one of your transplant candidates, you had to make a data request or contact the UNOS Organ Center. A recent update to Waitlist allows you to now make that edit yourself. Once you enter the new SSN, you will be asked to re-enter the number in order for the system to confirm the accuracy of the information.

Waitlist enhancement allows you to export all HLA typing data when generating custom reports for kidney and pancreas program

January 11, 2017

Audience: Data coordinators in kidney and pancreas programs

At-a-glance: We recently enhanced the Waitlist application. Now, when you are generating a custom report for a Kidney or Pancreas program, you have the ability to export all of the HLA typing data associated with a particular transplant candidate.
These HLA options are now available in Waitlist reports for kidney and pancreas programs:

  • HLA – BW4
  • HLA –BW6
  • HLA – C1
  • HLA DQ1
  • HLA-DQ2
  • HLA –DR51
  • HLA – DR52
  • HLA – DR53

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