UNet℠ API now available for submission and retrieval of Waitlist℠ lung registration information

UNet℠ API now available for submission and retrieval of Waitlist℠ lung registration information


  • All UNetSMusers
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Implementation date: 

December 8, 2021


UNOS has released a new set of APIs that will assist transplant hospitals in managing Lung Allocation Scores (LAS) for their candidates by allowing the retrieval of lung clinical data and LAS values stored on the candidate record in WaitlistSM while enabling transplant hospitals to update their lung candidate’s clinical values via API.

Transplant hospitals will also have the ability to calculate their patient’s LAS with submission of LAS-related data elements via a new LAS Calculator API.


Transplant hospitals document a number of clinical values in Waitlist in order to ensure the UNet system accurately represents the waitlist mortality and post-transplant survival probability for their lung candidates. With the release of these new API endpoints, transplant hospitals and their electronic health record systems will now be able to both update and retrieve lung clinical values for their candidates via API, improving interoperability between systems while reducing the risk of human error in data entry.

Via the new LAS Calculator API, hospitals can also submit clinical values in order to calculate the LAS for their candidates or to better understand the effect of changes to clinical values on a candidate’s LAS.

Additional details

To read more about UNOS’ APIs and learn how they help the transplant community, visit the API webpage. More information about United Network for Organ Sharing’s APIs and developer documentation can be found in the UNOS API Developer Portal.


For help with questions, or to provide feedback about UNet APIs, please contact [email protected]. For general support, please contact UNOS Customer Service at [email protected] or 800-978-4334.


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