Now accepting nominations for Heckenkemper Transplant Leadership Award

Now accepting nominations for Heckenkemper Transplant Leadership Award

Submission Requirements

The UNOS Transplant Administrators Committee is seeking nominations for the Annual Heckenkemper Leader in Transplant Administration Award to be presented at the UNOS Transplant Management Forum in April 2020. Use your phone app to scan the QR code or read more about the award, review nominee criteria, and submit your nomination here.

Deadline for nominee submissions is November 29, 2019.

You may not nominate current members of the UNOS Transplant Management Forum Planning Committee.

Award Process

  • We will notify all award nominees.
  • The UNOS Transplant Administrators Committee will review all nominations and select the winner based on specific criteria.
  • We will notify the winner in advance of the award presentation at the Transplant Management Forum in Las Vegas on April 6 – 8, 2020.
  • This award is graciously sponsored by Guidry & East, LLC.
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