TransNet Application Reminder

TransNet Application Reminder

Monday, April 24, 2017


  • OPOs: Executive Directors, Procurement Directors, Procurement Coordinators, and Quality Review Staff
  • Please share this notice with anyone in your organization who would benefit from this information.

At a glance
Beginning June 1, 2017, OPOs must use TransNet to complete required OPTN labeling and packaging requirements for all deceased donors. Read policy notice.

TransNet will automate the organ packaging and labeling process to ensure that donated organs are matched correctly and efficiently with the identified recipient.

OPO’s must modify their practice to include scanning all items packaged and transported for transplant including the organ, extra vessels, blood specimens, biopsy specimens, tissue specimens (e.g. spleen, nodes, etc.), and paperwork. They will need to scan the final shipping label and submit the case information to UNOS.

We have noticed, on some occasions, users are omitting this final step. Upon implementation on June 1, those users will be out of compliance with policy requirements. Please take the necessary actions to ensure that this part of the process is being followed.

Additional Resources
Please see Transplant Pro for more information on TransNet enhancement details, required equipment and future training opportunities:


For questions, contact <a href=”mailto:[email protected][email protected].

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