Three new VCA programs to replace GU program

Three new VCA programs to replace GU program

Implementation date: Dec. 5, 2023

At-a-glance statement

Three new programs will replace the Vascularized Composite Allograft (VCA) – genitourinary organ (GU) program:

  1. VCA – external male genitalia (EM)
  2. VCA – other genitourinary organ (OG)
  3. VCA – uterus (UT), which will include a new living donor component

Additional details

  • Until December 5, 2023, the ability to manage external male genitalia, other genitourinary organ, and uterus allocation will continue to be driven by permissions granted to users for the VCA – genitourinary organ program
  • In preparation for the main release on Dec. 5, transplant hospital permissions can be set up within Security Administration for external male genitalia, other genitourinary organ and uterus programs. This allows site security administrators to set up permissions in advance and avoid disruption to user access
  • During this period of transition, site security administrators must also continue to assign users permission to the current genitourinary organ program so that access is maintained

What you need to do

Transplant hospitals

Transplant hospitals that have applied for the new VCA program(s) will need to designate an on-call contact within Contact Management in DonorNet®. This individual will receive the VCA organ offers.

Site security administrators for these programs should take the following steps to prepare their VCA transplant program for UNet:

  • Register as a site administrator: If you have not done so already, please register at least two site security administrators for each applicable program
  • Identify and add VCA personnel to UNet: Check UNet Security Administration to ensure that all appropriate permissions are granted to individuals who will need access to either external male genitalia, other genitourinary organ, and/or uterus
  • Create security groups for VCA personnel: Toggle to your VCA program(s) under ‘Groups’ in Security Administration to create security groups. At this time, you may add permissions for Waitlist, DonorNet, Patient Safety, and Member Community
  • Add users to groups based on permission needs: Users should be added to security groups so they can access UNet for these programs upon board approval. Any users being granted access to external male genitalia, other genitourinary organ, and uterus must also be added to the current genitourinary organs program during this time of transition

OPOs/Histocompatibility labs

No permission changes are being made to the Security Administration that would impact OPO or histocompatibility lab users.

Education and resources

Log into UNOS Connect and search for:

  • UNet University Playlist: UNet University features six e-learning modules that are designed to familiarize you to the UNet system at an introductory level.
  • VCA Allocation in UNet: This course outlines the process and policy requirements involved with VCA allocation and data reporting in UNet.


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