Call for nominations for OPTN Heart Committee and Lung Committee

Call for nominations for OPTN Heart Committee and Lung Committee

The Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network Board of Directors has approved replacing the OPTN Thoracic Organ Transplantation Committee with two separate committees – a Heart Transplantation Committee and a Lung Transplantation Commiteee.

The new committees will begin their work on July 1, 2020 and will allow the OPTN to be more representative and responsive to the community’s needs, which will in turn help patients.

There is an immediate need to fill a number of positions on the Heart and Lung Committees. Committee members are volunteers, representing a variety of professional disciplines, personal experience and expertise in organ transplantation.

United Network for Organ Sharing as the OPTN values diversity and strives for a Board and Committee system that represents the community we serve. Therefore, members may be donation or transplant professionals, transplant candidates or recipients, living donors, donor families, and/or members of the general public.    

  •  If you wish to be considered for a Heart Transplantation Committee or Lung Transplantation Committee volunteer position beginning July 1, 2020, complete the online Biography Form no later than March 25, 2020.
  • Please note: in the Biography Form under “area(s) of interest” you must select “Thoracic Committee” in order to be considered.  Applications received after this date are not guaranteed review for the coming cycle.
  • To update a previously submitted Biography Form, follow these instructions.
  • To learn about volunteer responsibilities and the selection process, visit the Get Involved page.
  • If you have questions about your application, please contact [email protected].

Find information about serving on committees, and details about current openings on the Heart Transplantation Committee and the Lung Transplantation Committee on the OPTN website.

Please contact Sara Rose Wells, Transplant Community Administrator, at [email protected] with any questions.

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