System notice: Reactivation of liver candidates to MELD or PELD score without entering new lab values

System notice: Reactivation of liver candidates to MELD or PELD score without entering new lab values


  • Liver transplant program directors, program administrators, data coordinators, clinical coordinators, compliance/regulatory affairs and clinical support staff
  • Please share this notice with anyone in your organization who would benefit from this information.

Effective date of change: May 6, 2020


Effective May 6, 2020, a transplant program reactivating a liver transplant candidate to a MELD or PELD status in WaitlistSM is no longer required to input updated lab values to support the listing. The system previously asked the program to supply all new lab values even if the candidate’s previous values had not yet expired.

What you need to do

When a program is changing a candidate’s medical urgency status field from “Temporarily Inactive” (Status 7) to “MELD/PELD,” WaitlistSM no longer prompts the user to enter lab data that is more current than the data previously entered.

Any change from an inactive liver candidate to a Status 1A or 1B will require the appropriate justification form with lab values no less recent than the past two days, per the schedule in OPTN Policy 9.2.

 More information

Our IT Customer Service Desk is available 8 am – 7 pm EST. Contact [email protected] or 800-978-4334.

If you have any additional questions, please contact [email protected].

The Organ Center is available around the clock and can be reached at 800-292-9537.

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