System changes related to ABO verification policy change are now in place

System changes related to ABO verification policy change are now in place


  • Transplant hospital staff responsible for receiving donor organs and determining and verifying candidate blood type
  • OPO staff responsible for determining and verifying donor blood type
  • Living donor recovery hospitals
  • Quality assurance staff at OPOs and transplant hospitals

OPTN policy changes related to ABO verification of organ donors and transplant candidates were implemented today, June 23, 2016. See the Oct. 2015 policy notice for a complete description of the upcoming changes. A significant process change for transplant hospitals is the requirement to implement an organ check-in protocol. Additionally, OPOs must test two samples to determine a donor’s blood type before they can execute a match run, when previously they had to conduct the testing before making an incision in the OR. UNetSM users will also notice changes throughout the following applications: Waitlist, DonorNet, DonorNet Mobile, Tiedi, Security Administration and KPD.

To help you and your staff incorporate these changes, we created a toolkit containing webinar recordings, an interactive training module, checklists, operating room verification templates, FAQs and more.

What is different in Waitlist?
You will see new warning messages when you:

  • List a liver candidate as being willing to accept an incompatible ABO.
  • List a liver candidate with blood type O that is willing to accept an A2 (non-A1) donor.

What is different in DonorNet?

  • If you select an ABO subtype after you have verified the primary ABO, you may now verify the ABO subtype of a donor.
  • You may search for a donor that is pending subtype verification by accessing the ABO Subtype Pending Donors widget on the DonorNet landing page and the ABO Subtype Pending Donors list on the Search page.
  • A warning message on the match criteria page will let you know that the donor is pending subtype verification. You can run matches while the subtype is pending verification. The verified primary ABO will be used for match runs.
  • If you run a match while the donor is pending subtype verification, a warning message indicating the same will display on the donor snapshot and print match results pages.
  • A new column on the match criteria page displays the ABO used at the time you ran the match.
  • A new column on the match results page displays the ABO of the candidate. Candidates that have an ABO incompatible with the donor’s ABO have an “i” displayed next to their ABO. The “i” indicates incompatibility.
  • A new link for “organ verification” is on the DonorNet match results page. By clicking on the link youmay view donor and intended recipient information needed to perform pre-recovery and pre-transplant verifications. ABO blood type source documents (not available through this report) also are required for certain verification parts.

What is different in DonorNet Mobile?
You will see new warning messages when:

  • The OPO sends an organ offer and the donor is pending verification of ABO subtype.
  • The OPO sends an organ offer and the ABO of the candidate is incompatible with the ABO of the donor.

What is different in TIEDI?

  • If you select an ABO subtype for a living donor after you have verified the primary ABO, you may now verify the ABO subtype of the living donor.
  • You may now search for a living donor that is pending subtype verification by accessing the “Living Donors Pending ABO subtype Verification” list on the Tiedi landing page and the “Living Donors Pending ABO subtype Verification” list on the Search page.
  • If you run a match for the living donor in DonorNet while the living donor is pending subtype verification, a warning message stating that the donor is pending verification of ABO subtype will display on the match criteria page, the donor snapshot, and print match results page

What is different in KPD?

  • If you select an ABO subtype for the living donor after you have verified the primary ABO, you are now able to verify the ABO subtype of the living donor.
  • You are now able to search for a living donor that is pending ABO subtype verification by accessing the ABO Subtype Pending Donors list on the KPD landing page and the ABO Subtype Pending Donors list on the Search page.
  • If the ABO subtype of the living donor is pending verification when a match is run, the verified primary ABO will be used for the match run.

What will be different in Security Administration?
DonorNet Permissions

  • All users that have the “Verify ABO” permission have permission to verify the ABO subtype
  • For users who are not responsible for receiving and responding to organ offers, but still need access to view the match, the Site Administrator needs to assign VIEW OFFER ATTACHMENTS or ORGAN OFFER VERIFICATIONS permissions under DonorNet.These users will not see organ offers displayed on their DonorNet page; they will have to search for the donor record using the donor id and match id.

Tiedi Permissions

  • All users that have the “Edit Forms” and the “Living donor ABO verification” permissions have permission to verify the ABO subtype of the living donor in Tiedi. These permissions are program specific.

KPD Permissions

  • All users that have the “Full Access” permission have permission to verify the ABO subtype

If you have additional questions relating to policy, contact your UNOS Regional Administrator at 804-782-4800.

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