Special public comment proposal for HCC auto approval criteria

Special public comment proposal for HCC auto approval criteria

The OPTN/UNOS Liver and Intestinal Organ Transplantation Committee seeks public comment for a proposed revision to OPTN Policy 9.3.F.vii (Extensions of HCC Exceptions). The proposal would restore a provision for a subset of candidates with treated HCC lesions to continue to receive automatic approval of HCC exception scores at the time of extension if their treated lesions fall below eligibility criteria for an initial exception request.

This is a special public comment period beginning January 2, 2018 and ending January 31, 2018. You may read the proposal and offer comment here.

The provision in question had been part of the HCC exception score policy prior to implementation of revisions to HCC automatic approval criteria on December 12, 2017. Read policy notice. While the other provisions of the recently implemented HCC policy will remain in effect, the Liver and Intestinal Organ Transplantation Committee’s intent was to retain the prior policy provision to encourage treatment of HCC lesions while a candidate retains an exception score.


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