Special pathogens update

Special pathogens update

The Pathogens of Special Interest list has been modified, effective March 23, 2020. If an organ donor tests positive for carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae, coronavirus (pandemic) or influenza (pandemic), they must be reported in the UNetSM Improving Patient Safety portal as a potential donor-derived disease transmission event, as outlined in Policy 15.4.A.

Current required testing policies can be found here.

If there is substantial concern that a recipient post-transplant infectious disease could be from a transplanted organ, then it must be reported in the UNet Improving Patient Safety portal as a potential donor-derived disease transmission event and to the host organ procurement organization, as outlined in Policy 15.5.B. This must be done as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours after learning of the event.

The recommended time frame to consider that an unexpected transmission of coronavirus or influenza may be from a transplanted organ is within 30 days post-transplant.

If you have questions, please contact your regional administrator or email United Network for Organ Sharing patient safety coordinator Cassandra Meekins at [email protected].

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