Donation and transplant professionals: Share your COVID-19 practices in real time

Donation and transplant professionals: Share your COVID-19 practices in real time

An invitation from UNOS CEO Brian Shepard

While many in the country are still sheltering in place, donation and transplant professionals have continued the lifesaving work of recovering organs, supporting donor families, and transplanting and caring for recipients in every region.

This is why I want to share with you some encouraging data—despite the challenges presented by this pandemic, the number of donations and transplants has increased for three consecutive weeks.

This improvement didn’t happen by itself. It’s a result of our community coming together to brainstorm and strategize with each other. Collaboration is when we are at our best. It’s true here at UNOS, and at every OPO, transplant hospital and histocompatibility lab in the country.

That’s why I invite you to dive into collaboration right now and register for the OPTN COVID Collaborative.* There you will find other members, connecting in real time to share effective practices in discussion forums. Current discussion threads revolve around a variety of topics including:

  • Patient testing: Whether and how programs are testing potential recipients
  • Procurement team exposures: How OPOs are handling potential threats
  • OPO strategies: How to plan for reopening of nonessential operations
  • Living donation: Processes and timelines for antibody testing
  • Organ utilization: Are delays in placement having an impact?
  • Telemedicine: Incorporating virtual practices into patient care

UNOS established this platform in order to help you work together to address the COVID-19 operational challenges you are experiencing.

After registering, I encourage you to actively participate in the Collaborative—I challenge you to ask a question, and answer a question. It may be the answer another member has been looking for. Already registered? Sign in now. 

This is a time for learning together, across disciplines and regions. Your expertise, experience and collaboration are invaluable to our community’s efforts to save lives during the global pandemic.

Wishing you and your families and teams a safe week, Brian Shepard

*Effective July 10, 2020, the OPTN COVID Collaborative inactivated. Read the details.

Stay current

We will continue to update the UNOS COVID-19 resources page as guidance is developed and enhanced.

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