See Spring 2017 program and opo-specific reports on SRTR secure site

See Spring 2017 program and opo-specific reports on SRTR secure site

The Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR) has integrated kidney offer acceptance behavior and multi-organ transplant information into its program-specific reports. The multi-organ tables provide descriptive information on multi-organ transplants performed by the program. Specifically, the tables present:

  • number of completed multi-organ transplants
  • program-specific and national graft failure rates involving the component organs
  • program-specific and national patient death rates

The kidney offer acceptance tables and figures have three broad goals:

  1. provide general offer acceptance information in the public PSRs
  2. give detailed information to programs and CUSUM reports on the secure site
  3. communicate kidney offer acceptance information to organ procurement organizations (OPOs) through the secure site

Log into the SRTR Secure Site to view the Spring 2017 release. PSRs and OSRs will be available on the SRTR public site July 6. Stay up to date on PSR and OSR reporting timelines by visiting

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