Updates to security administration site will launch January 16

Updates to security administration site will launch January 16

Updates to security administration site will launch January 16


  • UNetSM security administrators
  • All UNetSM users


Anyone at an organ procurement organization, or OPO, transplant center, or histocompatibility lab who uses UNetSM must first be granted access by their security administrator. To make it easier for UNetSM security administrators to review and update UNetSM permissions and handle numerous other security administrative tasks, we have planned several improvements to the security administration section of UNetSM that will take effect on January 16, 2020.


The following planned improvements will make it easier for security administrators to add, edit and delete permissions for their staff, particularly when they are managing users at multiple locations.

New functionality

In the new application, UNetSM security administrators will be able to:

  • Set a future inactivation date for a user in the system.
  • Send requests to security administrators at other institutions to request permission for users.
  • Complete the user audit with less burden on security administrators.


Mandatory training will be available on UNOS Connect the week of Dec. 9. More details and instructions will follow in an email to UNetSM site administrators.

Online help documentation will also be available in the Security Administration application.


For system questions, contact UNOS Customer Service at [email protected] or 800-978-4334.

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