Reminder: Patient status options for TRF forms

Reminder: Patient status options for TRF forms


  • Transplant programs:
    • Data coordinators and other users who enter recipient follow-up data in TIEDI


Transplant programs are required to complete Transplant Recipient Follow-up (TRF) forms in TIEDI per OPTN policy for their candidates. We are sending a reminder of the Patient Status options available to members and reporting criteria to aid you in completing these forms.

Patient status reporting options in TIEDI:


  • Patient meets the criteria below:
    • You have completed a follow up visit within the timeframe of their expected follow up form


  • Patient meets the criteria below:
    •  Has been confirmed as deceased and currently has an expected follow up form
      • Once the death information has been reported on the expected form, the form will change from an annual follow up form to a Recipient Death form and programs will need to complete and validate
    • Has been confirmed as deceased and does not currently have an expected follow up form
      • Programs can enter an interim event by clicking on the Report Interim Event link in the Related Links box in the top right of the page
      • Enter the patient status as “Dead” and complete the remaining fields

Both of these methods will stop future follow up form generation.

“Not Seen”

  • Patient meets the criteria below:
    • Has not had a follow up visit within the timeframe of the expected follow up form
    • There is a possibility that a patient will come back for follow up visits in the future

For more information about reporting a patient as “Not Seen” please refer to this system notice. Your program has the ability to determine how long to report a patient as “Not Seen” before reporting them as “Lost to Follow-Up.”

“Lost to Follow-Up”

  • Patient meets the criteria below:
    • Is unlikely to return for follow-up visits
    • Follow-up information cannot be obtained from another healthcare provider

Navigate to the recipient’s Patient History page in TIEDI and click “Report Interim Event” in the Related Links box in the top right of the page. From there, enter “Lost to Follow-Up” under the Patient Status field and enter the date one day after the patient was last seen in the Patient Status Date field. Please note: you must still complete all expected forms (either by reporting the patient as “Not Seen” or completing the form normally) when reporting a patient as “Lost to Follow-Up.”

Reporting a patient as “Lost to Follow-Up” will not negatively affect your center’s performance metrics. We do not expect data from outside providers; reporting “Lost to Follow-Up” in this way will assist in consistent OPTN data collection and stop the annual generation of follow-up forms.

Transferring a patient to a different hospital

If your patient transfers to a different transplant hospital that is within the OPTN, you can transfer the recipient within TIEDI. Please see this system notice for more details about patient transfers.

If your patient transfers to a hospital that is not within the OPTN, the patient is considered “Lost to Follow-Up” to the OPTN as Non-OPTN members are not obligated to report the follow-up data. The patient should be reported by the member as “Lost to Follow-Up” by following the instructions above.

What you need to do

Please continue to complete your TRF forms as they are assigned to you with the appropriate patient status.


If a situation arises where forms need to be deleted or you are unable to enter an interim event, please reach out to the service desk at [email protected], or call 800-978-4334 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET.

For any questions about this functionality please reach out to: [email protected]

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