Register for live webinar to learn about changing heart allocation policy

Register for live webinar to learn about changing heart allocation policy

When: October 26, 2017 from 3p.m. – 4p.m.

Who should attend: Transplant professionals (administrators, clinical coordinators, quality managers, physicians and surgeons) from adult heart and heart/lung programs

What you will learn: Dr. Ryan Davies, Vice-Chair of the OPTN/UNOS Thoracic Committee and Kim Uccellini, UNOS’ Thoracic policy Committee Liaison will explain what you can expect when adult heart allocation policy changes in 2018.  They will explain expanded medical urgency statuses for adults and the rationale behind the policy changes. You will receive 1 category 1 CEPTC for participating in this course.

You’ll find the webinar in the UNOS Connect Course Catalog under the Live Event category. The title is Adult Heart Allocation Policy Revisions. Please register in advance.

Accessing UNOS Connect:

If you have access to UNOS Secure EnterpriseSM systems: UNet, WaitlistSM, DonorNet®, Tiedi®, KPDSM and other UNOS-developed transplant applications, your account is already set-up and there is no need for you to register. Just access the website under the Resources tab on the Secure Enterprise homepage.

If you don’t have access to UNet, visit the UNOS Connect homepage and complete a brief, online form to register for the site. After that, you will have access to a wide range of UNOS instructional offerings and materials, except system training.

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