Recovery and Usage Maps (RUM) Report debuts at AOPO Meeting

Recovery and Usage Maps (RUM) Report debuts at AOPO Meeting

New tool available under My Visual Analytics on UNet’s Data Services Portal

UNOS continues to add user-friendly tools to the Data Services Portal on UNet. Incorporating interactive Tableau maps, the Recovery and Usage Maps or RUM Report provides detailed information about the recovery and transplantation of deceased donor kidneys. The recovery map displays DSA level recovery/transplant information based on donor characteristics you select, while the usage map displays which transplant centers are transplanting the organs from those same donors.

Found under UNet Resources>My Data Services>My Visual Analytics, this interactive report helps OPOs find out which transplant centers are transplanting those hard to place kidneys and whether they are transplanting kidneys recovered outside of their local area. It also allows them to see recovery and transplant specifics for other OPOs. OPOs can use this report for retrospective quality improvement monitoring as well as for real-time decision support during difficult donor cases.

The RUM Report is making its debut at the AOPO Annual Meeting in Orlando June 20-22, 2017. Be sure to visit the UNOS exhibit for a demonstration.

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