Now available: Recording of June 2 national webinar addressing proposed changes to transplant program metrics

Now available: Recording of June 2 national webinar addressing proposed changes to transplant program metrics

The Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network hosted a webinar on June 2, 2021, to inform the community about proposed changes to transplant program monitoring. Richard Formica, M.D., on behalf of the OPTN Membership and Performance Standards Committee’s Performance Monitoring Enhancement subcommittee, presented the proposed new metrics and the rationale for the decisions. The primary goal of the project is to monitor for patient safety concerns as well as opportunities for transplant program process improvement.

The webinar recording is now available for viewing here.

Community encourage to provide feedback during public comment

Currently, the MPSC uses a single metric—1-year post-transplant graft and patient survival—to identify transplant programs in need of performance improvement. The MPSC is seeking a more holistic approach to evaluation of transplant program performance and is evaluating ways to incorporate multiple phases of transplant care into a balanced scorecard.

The MPSC plans to submit the proposal for public comment during the summer 2021 public comment period, and encourages the community to provide feedback at that time. The information presented in the June 2 webinar is intended to enable the community to make informed, thoughtful comments during the upcoming public comment period.


Do you have questions about this proposal? Please contact [email protected].

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