Public Comment open from July 27 through Sept. 19, 2023

Public Comment open from July 27 through Sept. 19, 2023

Help shape organ allocation policy

The summer 2023 public comment cycle opened July 27 and closes Sept. 19. The Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) is offering 14 items for review, including one white paper, two guidance documents, three concept papers, two requests for feedback and six policy proposals.

Comments and replies will be published on the OPTN website to promote transparency and trust in the national transplant system.

We encourage patients, transplant candidates and recipients, living donors, donor families, and transplant professionals to learn more about the proposals and provide their valuable feedback to help shape U.S. organ transplant policy. The last opportunity to provide feedback on these items will be prior to 11:59 p.m. ET on Sept. 19.

Items available for public comment are:

White paper

Guidance documents

Concept papers

Requests for feedback


Educational resources, including videos and presentations, are available to help the public learn more about the items.

All comments are reviewed and considered by the OPTN Board of Directors and the committees sponsoring the items available for public comment before developing final proposals for a vote by the OPTN Board of Directors. Learn more about the policy development process here.

Engage in public comment.

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