Pre-implementation notice: Two new transplant performance metrics to implement July 14

Pre-implementation notice: Two new transplant performance metrics to implement July 14

Implementation date

July 14, 2022


Beginning July 14, 2022, the MPSC will consider program performance on the below post-transplant metrics:

  • 90-day graft survival hazard ratio: A program’s rate of graft failure from date of transplant to 90 days post-transplant, relative to the expected rate based on transplants with similar recipient and donor organ characteristics across the nation.
  • 1-year conditional on 90-day graft survival hazard ratio: A program’s rate of graft failure from day 90 post-transplant to day 365 post-transplant, conditional on the graft surviving for the first 90-days post-transplant, relative to the expected rate based on transplants with similar recipient and donor organ characteristics across the nation.

In July 2022, the MPSC will send inquiries to programs based on an evaluation of transplants that occurred from January 2019 through June 2021 (excluding the March 13 – June 12, 2020, SRTR COVID carve-out).

Approved bylaw revisions that clarify the performance review process, codify the current peer review process, and add and revise definitions will also become effective July 14. Read the phase I policy notice.

Future implementation of pre-transplant metrics

Evaluation of programs based on the two pre-transplant metrics criteria will be phased and will begin on the following timeline:

  • Offer acceptance rate: no earlier than July 2023
  • Pre-transplant mortality rate: no earlier than July 2024

Toolkit and professional education

A policy toolkit on the OPTN website has extensive information about the new performance monitoring system. The toolkit is an information hub for the community, and is where members can learn more about the implementation of the new bylaws.

Additionally, three education modules about performance monitoring are available to help members understand the changes. The first module gives an overview of the performance monitoring system. The second module concerns the two new post-transplant metrics that will implement July 14, 2022. The third module focuses on the pre-transplant mortality rate ratio that will implement no sooner than July 2024.

Visit UNOS Connect to launch these modules and learn more about the changes:

  • QLT150: MPSC transplant program performance monitoring
  • QLT151: MPSC post-transplant outcomes and risk adjustment*
  • QLT153: MPSC pre-transplant mortality rate ratio and risk adjustment*

*Confers CEPTC credits

Changes to your SRTR secure site 

In the SRTR’s June 15 private PSR release to programs on its secure website, the SRTR will include information to help you understand whether your program meets the new MPSC performance monitoring criteria for all four metrics. This information is intended to support you as you plan and evaluate your program’s performance.

While the SRTR will provide information on all four metrics, only the two post-transplant graft survival metrics will implement on July 14.


The OPTN Board of Directors approved revised bylaws for transplant program performance monitoring on Dec. 6, 2021. The approved bylaws include four new metrics for evaluation of transplant program performance:

  • Pre-transplant mortality rate
  • Offer acceptance rate
  • 90-day post-transplant graft survival rate
  • One-year post-transplant graft survival conditional on 90-day graft survival rate

There will be a phased implementation of all four metrics over the next three years. Read the full policy notice.


We understand you may have questions about these changes, and are glad to provide any information you need as the community prepares for the implementation of the new performance metrics.

Please contact us at [email protected]

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