Potential supply issues affecting organ preservation solution

Potential supply issues affecting organ preservation solution

UNOS is aware of reports of potential disruptions to the routine supply of certain organ preservation solutions used for cold storage or machine perfusion of organs intended for transplantation. This is of great concern to everyone in the organ donation and transplantation community, as use of these solutions is essential to the success of transplantation.

There are multiple different forms of organ preservation solution, manufactured and distributed by different companies. While production and supply issues may not affect all vendors or customers equally or at the same time, disruptions to an overall already limited supply may create greater problems for all.

If you are responsible for ordering or stocking preservation solution, your individual supplier will have the most up-to-date information about short-term and long-term prospects for any disruption in manufacturing or distribution of the products you use. We advise that you discuss the issue with your clinical staff and identify any contingencies for conservation in ordering and stocking the products you use. You may also wish to contact other distributors to see if alternative supply mechanisms may exist. In any circumstance, it would not be helpful to seek to purchase additional quantities beyond your reasonable needs, as this may only exacerbate supply chain issues for the entire community.

Thank you for your attention to this issue, to continue our shared mission of providing lifesaving transplants for patients in need.

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