Updates to modify data submission policy coming Aug. 30

Updates to modify data submission policy coming Aug. 30

Audience (Please share this notice with anyone in your organization who would benefit from it.)

  • TIEDI® data entry roles at transplant programs, OPOs and histocompatibility labs, program directors/administrators, quality managers, transplant/donation coordinators, and data coordinators.

Implementation Date

Aug. 30 2022


New requirements under revisions to OPTN Policy 18: Data Submission Requirements include a data lock provision to make changes to any of the eight TIEDI® forms. The policy changes were enacted to improve the quality and timeliness of Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network data.

What you need to do

Once the changes to policy are implemented in August, data in the forms will be locked upon the data submission deadline. The deadlines for form submissions are being extended by 30 or 60 days, depending on the form. Existing TIEDI forms will also have their deadline extended.

Forms affected:

Locks 60 days after generation

  • Deceased Donor Registration
  • Donor Histocompatibility
  • Recipient Histocompatibility

Locks 90 days after generation

  • Living Donor Registration
  • Transplant Candidate Registration
  • Transplant Recipient Registration
  • Living Donor Follow-up
  • Transplant Recipient Follow-up

Forms can be unlocked by the member if needed, but all data entry after the submission deadline will be manual, and members will not be able to upload from medical records. Before unlocking, members will be prompted to input the reason changes need to be made to a form. Changes to final data will not be permitted unless the member reports, within the data collection system prior to making the changes, both the approval of the member’s official OPTN Representative (or designee) and the reason for the changes.

Related Changes

  • The Compliance Report will be deprecated and removed as per the removal of policy 18.4.
  • Any record in a TIEDI import file that has passed its expected date will be omitted from importing.

Education and Resources

New data tools have been developed to help provide an easy way to review data for accuracy, so members can correct forms before final submission. They include two different reports:

Data Lock Preview Reports

  • Spreadsheets designed to identify unknown, missing, and other values outside of expected range for all data elements on the included TIEDI forms. There is one row per data element identified as a possible issue.
  • Spreadsheets are updated weekly and review all data elements on those forms, not just those included in the SRTR reports.

Data Lock Dashboard

  • A Tableau dashboard that allows administrators and quality managers to see the frequency of data elements flagged at their institution compared to the U.S., along with trends over the past 12 months.
    • Once the data lock policy is implemented in TIEDI, this dashboard will also include data on the number of times forms at their institution are unlocked and the reasons for making a data change.

Look for the following training material in UNOS Connect, also accessible to UNet users through the Resources tab on the Secure Enterprise (UNet) homepage.

  • Available now
    • SYS158: Tools for Managing TIEDI Data Submissions – an explanation of the Data Lock Preview Reports and Data Lock Dashboard available in the Data Services portal
  • Available late June
    • SYS170: The Key to Unlocking TIEDI Forms – a course explaining how to unlock forms after their due date
    • SYS171: Submitting TIEDI forms – an overview of TIEDI forms affected by the data lock and their submission requirements


If you have questions relating to implementation, contact UNOS Customer Service at [email protected], or call 800-978-4334 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET.

For policy-related questions, contact [email protected]

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