Pre-implementation notice: Extension of HOPE Act participation to all organ types

Pre-implementation notice: Extension of HOPE Act participation to all organ types


  • Transplant program directors and administrators
  • Please share this notice with anyone in your organization who would benefit from this information.

Effective date of change:

May 21, 2020


Effective May 21, 2020, transplants of any organ type may be performed under the terms of the HIV Organ Policy Equity Act (HOPE Act). Participation has previously been limited to kidney and liver transplantation. Any transplant program that agrees to adhere to OPTN policy requirements and federal research criteria may participate in the HOPE Act variance and receive organ offers from donors identified as HIV-positive. For additional background, read the policy notice on the OPTN website.

What you need to do

Any program wishing to participate in the HOPE Act variance must complete and submit a variance request form available on the OPTN website. The request form lists and links to additional requirements HOPE Act participants must meet. Find more Professional Education resources on the HOPE Act here.

More information

If you have any additional questions regarding the policy or membership requirements, please contact [email protected].

Our IT Customer Service Desk is available 8 am – 7 pm EST. Contact [email protected] or 800-978-4334.

The Organ Center is available around the clock and can be reached at 800-292-9537.

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