Policy change impacting KPD eligibility coming Aug. 30

Policy change impacting KPD eligibility coming Aug. 30


KPD transplant programs:

  • TX Program Administrators/Managers, Kidney Paired Donation Primary Contacts, Kidney Paired Donation Alternate Contacts, Kidney Paired Donation Match Offer Support

Histo Labs:

  • Histo Lab Adm/Managers, Histo Lab Clinical Consultants, Histo Lab Directors, Histo Lab Directors in Training, Histo Lab General Supervisors, Histo Lab Supervisors, Histo Lab Techs, Histo Lab Technical Supervisors

Implementation date

Aug. 30, 2022 


Changes to HLA and unacceptable antigen options will go into effect Aug. 30, as well as changes to the equivalences used for HLA matching and screening of unacceptable antigens between candidates and donors. 

These changes include:

  • DPA1 added for candidate and donor HLA reporting
    • HLA-DPA1 is required for all KPD donors
  • DPA1 added for candidate Unacceptable Antigen reporting
    • If unacceptable antigen(s) are reported for DPA1, then reporting candidate DPA1 HLA typing is required
  • DPA1 added for candidate Other Antibody Specificities reporting

Refer to the policy notice to see the equivalency changes that will affect donor to candidate screening and matching.

What you need to do

Upon implementation on the morning of Tuesday Aug. 30, all active KPD donors will be set to ineligible status due to the added HLA typing data requirement for DPA1.

  • The KPD match will not be run on Thursday, Sept. 1.
  • To ensure donors are eligible for the Thursday, Sept. 8 match run, users will need to add DPA1 test results for each of their donors by 8 a.m. ET on Sept. 8.

If a KPD candidate has antibodies towards DPA1, members are required to enter unacceptable antigens and the candidate’s DPA1 HLA typing.


If you have additional questions, contact [email protected]

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