Policy and programming changes associated with the “clarifications on reporting maintenance dialysis” proposal to be implemented on April 1

Policy and programming changes associated with the “clarifications on reporting maintenance dialysis” proposal to be implemented on April 1


  • Kidney living donor transplant hospital staff
  • All UNetSM users

Please share this notice with anyone in your organization who would benefit from this information.

Implementation date

April 1, 2020


Policy and programming changes associated with the “Clarifications on reporting maintenance dialysis” proposal approved by the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network Board of Directors in June 2019 will be implemented on April 1. The following changes will be implemented:

  • Changes to the living donor adverse event reporting form in the patient safety portal to remove references to “native organ” and list the events in the same order as they are listed in the policy notice.
  • Change to the kidney living donor follow up form in TIEDI® to change the field “Maintenance Dialysis” to “Regularly administered dialysis as an ESRD patient.”
  • Updates to the living donor follow-up form file layout to reflect the label change.


Link to policy notice:


What you should know

The living donor adverse event form within the patient safety portal in UNet will look different. The changes will not affect any historical forms that UNet users may have submitted in the past.


Contact UNOS Customer Service with technical questions at 800-978-4334 or [email protected].

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