Phase 1 of requirement to report serum lipase and serum lipase upper normal limit results at time of pancreas offers is complete

Phase 1 of requirement to report serum lipase and serum lipase upper normal limit results at time of pancreas offers is complete


  • OPO staff who use DonorNet and OPO Quality Staff
  • Labs that perform serum lipase testing


  • Transplant Center staff
  • DonorNet Mobile users

Please share this notice with anyone in your organization who would benefit from this information.

At a Glance
We have implemented phase 1 of this change.

  • We have added Serum Lipase Upper Normal Limit (u/L) as an optional field to the Lab Panel in DonorNet. This field appears directly beside the existing, and currently optional, Serum Lipase (u/L field). Although you may choose to enter the data, you are not required to do so.
  • On September 29 we will implement the second phase of this project. From that day forward, for OPOs to make a pancreas, kidney-pancreas, or pancreas islet electronic organ offer, they must enter a value for the Serum lipase and Serum Lipase Upper Normal Limit fields. If you enter data into the lipase value field, you must also enter an upper normal limit, as these two fields are dependent on each other.

Additional Resources
For a history of the policy change and additional information, read the November 2014 policy notice.

DonorNet Mobile Information
The serum lipase upper normal limit will display in the Lab section in DonorNet Mobile if the corresponding checkbox is selected from the “Mobile Customize View page for Pancreas Program” in DonorNet. This checkbox will be selected by default for pancreas, kidney/pancreas, and pancreas islet donor customization views.

If you have DonorNet system questions, please contact the UNet Help Desk at (800) 978-4334.
For questions about policy, please contact your regional administrator at 804-782-4800.


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