Pediatric transplant hospital bylaws to be in effect Dec. 8

Pediatric transplant hospital bylaws to be in effect Dec. 8


Transplant program directors, administrators, compliance and quality managers

All member representatives and alternate representatives

Implementation date:

Dec. 8, 2020


On Dec. 8, 2020, OPTN bylaws will take effect that require transplant candidates younger than age 18, needing one or more organ types listed below, to be registered at transplant programs that have been approved to have a pediatric component.

This will apply to the following organ types:

  • Kidney
  • Liver
  • Pancreas
  • Heart
  • Lung

This action will follow the OPTN Board of Directors meeting on Dec. 6-7, at which the board is scheduled to grant final approval to all pediatric transplant program components that meet the bylaw requirements as outlined in the policy notice.

On and after that date, a heart or liver transplant program without an approved pediatric component but wishing to register a candidate less than 18 years old must follow an emergency exception request to UNOS as outlined in this policy notice.

What you need to do

UNOS has previously notified all transplant programs recommended for approval for a pediatric transplant component. UNOS will also confirm with these programs the outcome of the Dec. 7 vote for final approval.

If your program currently has pediatric candidates on the waiting list and you will not have an approved pediatric component as of Dec. 8, you need to arrange for a transition of their care to a transplant program with an approved pediatric component. Appendix K.5, Transition Plan during Long-term Inactivity, Termination, or Withdrawal, in the OPTN bylaws addresses the process to follow.

If your liver or heart transplant program does not have an approved pediatric component, you may register a highly medically urgent candidate less than 18 years old if he or she meets the criteria for an emergency exception as specified in this policy notice. Approval of any exception is limited to the individual case and does not mean that your program has been approved for a pediatric component.

Education and resources

An implementation toolkit is available on the OPTN website, and UNOS is continuing to update it with resources and education about the new requirements and the exception request process.


If you have questions relating to implementation, contact UNOS Customer Service at 800-978-4334.

For policy-related questions, send an e-mail to [email protected].

If you have questions about the bylaws or are interested in applying for a pediatric component for your transplant program, please contact UNOS Membership at [email protected] or by calling 833-577-9469.

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