Organ type added to transplant program STAR files, available April 5

Organ type added to transplant program STAR files, available April 5

Transplant hospital STAR files contain datasets of information related to your waiting list registrations and transplants. UNOS creates the file based on data your program enters into Waitlist℠ and TIEDI® applications as well as additional data elements collected from organ procurement organizations and histocompatibility labs. We also include patient deaths reported from other sources.

Based on requests from transplant professionals and also items identified by UNOS research staff, we have added organ type to the center STAR files.

The updated data files that reflect this change will be available on April 5, 2021; updated corresponding file layouts (Documentation) are available as of March 3, 2021.

Consequently, you need to be sure to adjust any automated process you use to import these files.

We will implement the following changes with the April Center STAR file release:


ORGAN type added to the following files (others not listed already had ORGAN):

  • Transplant/WL: Intestine, Liver
  • Immuno discharge: Intestine, Kidpan, Liver, Thoracic
  • Immuno follow-up: Intestine, Kidpan, Liver, Thoracic
  • Follow-up : Intestine, Kidney, Kidpan, Pancreas, Liver, Thoracic
  • Malignancy Follow-up: Intestine, Kidney, Kidpan, Pancreas, Liver, Thoracic

In all cases, the new ORGAN field is the last column in the layout.

Where to find them

All centers can access their center STAR files from the Data Services Portal in Unet. Select Resources from the main menu, then Data Services, then My Data Files.

You’ll find the updated file layouts under Documentation. If you are unable to access any of these sections, contact your UNet site administrator.

What you should know about Center STAR files

  • Data is available “on demand” to all centers with no need to submit a data request
  • We update the information monthly
  • Information includes all waiting list registrations and transplants performed at your institution since 10/1/1987
  • You can access detailed follow-up, post-transplant malignancy, and immunosuppression information about your transplant recipients
  • Available in both SAS CPORT and delimited formats

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