OPTN Board adopts new transplant program performance metrics

OPTN Board adopts new transplant program performance metrics

Dallas — The Board of Directors of the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network, at its meeting December 6, approved new metrics for monitoring the performance of transplant programs. The new standards will be broader than the existing process, including assessment of both pre-transplant and post-transplant patient outcomes.

“Our monitoring process should be patient-centered and provide a more holistic view of patient care, and these measures will enhance those objectives,” said Matthew Cooper, M.D., president of the board. “Our goal remains to work with members to help them identify and implement opportunities for improvement. This will help programs optimize patient safety and high quality outcomes.”

The new process will evaluate two pre-transplant measures for each transplant program — the rate of pre-transplant deaths and the ratio of organ offers made to and accepted for candidates — as well as two post-transplant metrics — 90-day graft survival (an assessment of whether the transplanted organ is functioning) and one-year graft survival conditional to the 90-day period. Currently, one-year patient and graft survival are the only factors considered.

Other actions

The Board took a number of additional actions as follows:

Discussion items

The Board additionally discussed a number of topics, including:

  • Work in progress on a pilot project to use predictive analytics to help transplant programs evaluate organ offers
  • Policy development and other projects involving kidney and/or pancreas allocation, including ongoing development of policy based on continuous distribution
  • A report on measures of quality of OPTN data and recommendations under consideration for further improvement
  • A review of monitoring activities of OPTN members for quality management and compliance with OPTN requirements
  • An update on the OPTN budget and finances
  • Metrics on the performance of the OPTN policy-making process
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