OPOs and UNOS collaborate on new UNet enhancements

OPOs and UNOS collaborate on new UNet enhancements


OPO and transplant center staff who use UNetSM

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UNOS held a joint innovation event at the Association of Organ Procurement Organization (AOPO) Quality, Education and IT Councils Meeting, September 25 to September 27, 2017, in Minneapolis, MN. Over the three-day meeting, more than 60 volunteer representatives partnered with UNOS staff to solve data and educational gaps that weigh down transplant centers and OPOs on a daily basis. A unique collaboration of OPO and UNOS Research and IT staff enabled the group to identify multiple UNetSM system enhancements. UNOS engineers created and demonstrated the enhancements, asked participants for more feedback, and adjusted accordingly. UNOS staff also gathered additional suggestions to consider for future releases.


OPO professionals identified improvements that they said would allow them to work more efficiently.

Post-recovery test result  
This effort will provide a way for OPOs to electronically notify the Patient Safety Contacts at transplant centers when new cultures, pathology, or infectious disease results have been added to the donor record post cross-clamp recovery. Furthermore, a confirmation piece will enable the transplant centers to acknowledge they have received this updated information and an audit log for OPOs will track when the notification was sent to the transplant center, the patient safety contact name and information, and when the notification was acknowledged.

Donor XML 
We have collaborated with OPO staff and Donor Management software vendors to help eliminate errors when uploading data into DonorNet®. Many errors are caused because the allowable range is too limiting, or where the decimal precision for a field is not aligned with your system. We will solve this problem by making some tweaks in DonorNet to allow the data to flow seamlessly between the two systems. This update will be deployed in Q1 2018.

Data Services 
In December, 2015 the Data Services portal was launched along with the Report of Organ Offers (ROO). This was the first release of a Tableau visualization for OPO and Transplant members in UNet and it was designed with input from a group of community pilot users. The current visualizations will be improved by updating to more readable chart types which better describe the data. A new visualization will be developed which will provide users the opportunity to dig in and explore Transplant Center ‘Provisional Yes’ acceptance practices using a comprehensive set of filters. The current ROO data spreadsheets are being modified to include a new flag (multiorg) which will identify when a recipient received more than one organ from the same donor. Other changes to the spreadsheets (and data underneath the Tableau Visualizations) will expand the cohort from 120 to 180 days; and 14 new variables will be added. These changes will be made to both the OPO and Transplant Center ROO Dashboards, and spreadsheets.

If you have questions about these changes to the system, please contact UNOS Customer Service at (800) 978-4334 or [email protected].
If you have questions specific to Data Services portal, please contact [email protected].

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