New online membership application tool offers benefits, launches to transplant programs Oct. 15

New online membership application tool offers benefits, launches to transplant programs Oct. 15

A new membership application tool will soon be available to the donation, transplant and histocompatibility community. The initial phase of the online membership application launches Oct. 15, at which time the tool will be made available to all liver, kidney, pancreas, heart, lung and intestine transplant programs. In December, the tool will be subsequently rolled out to OPOs and histocompatibility labs. A third phase in January 2021 will launch the tool to non-institutional members. 

Online application tool eases burden, offers improved user experience

The online application tool is the first step in creating a platform that offers more self-service opportunities for the transplant community. Benefits of the new online application tool include:

  • Applications that pre-populate with current information already in the database
  • Ability to log in and access only the applications members need, based on the changes they are required to make, without having to navigate unnecessary forms
  • Ability to save and return to applications at any time
  • Simultaneous accessibility of a program’s applications to multiple users and editors, making for more efficient processes
  • Capacity to collect required signatures electronically

Lack of access to the Member Community application in Secure Enterprise does not impact existing UNet access to Waitlist℠,DonorNet®, DonorNet Mobile℠,TIEDI® or TransNet℠.

What do UNet Security Administrators need to do?

Beginning Oct. 5, UNet℠ Security Administrators for transplant hospitals will be able to give select staff permission to access the new Member Community application in Secure Enterprise. Access should only be granted to those who typically handle Membership applications at their member organization

In order to grant users access to the tool, transplant program UNet Security Administrators will need to create a new group to add these individuals. By selecting the new “Member Community” tab of the Security Administration application within Secure Enterprise, they will find a new permission, “Grant Membership Community Access” and can add designated users of the online tool. The permission only has to be assigned once and it assigns permissions for all organ types.

Select this option for any personnel that will need to access the online membership application. Transplant programs will not be able to view the new Member Community application link to access the online application until Oct. 15. In addition, their UNet security administrators must grant them user access.

Once the appropriate staff have permission, they may access the application in the Secure Enterprise portal via a new link called “Member Community”.

Detailed instructions about setting group permissions will be sent to transplant program UNet security administrators and transplant administrators on Sept. 28.

What transplant professionals can do ahead of launch of new online tool

Access to the online tool should only be granted for those who typically handle Membership applications at their member organization. If you require access in order to handle applications for your transplant hospital, please contact your hospital’s security administrators and ask them to grant you permissions to access the new link to the Member Community application. The permission only has to be assigned once and it assigns permissions for all organ types. Once you have permission, you will access the application in the Secure Enterprise portal via a new link called “Member Community”.

Lack of access to the Member Community application in Secure Enterprise does not impact existing UNet access to Waitlist℠,DonorNet®, DonorNet Mobile℠,TIEDI® or TransNet℠.

More detailed information will be emailed to transplant professionals ahead of the Oct. 15 launch.


If you have any questions regarding membership applications or the launch of the new online membership application tool, please contact the UNOS Membership team at [email protected] or by calling 833-577-9469.

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