Offer Filters now available for lung allocation

Offer Filters now available for lung allocation

Implementation date

Jan. 31, 2024


The Offer Filters tool is now available for lung transplant programs. Offer Filters adds data-driven, multi-criteria filters to organ offers at a program level so lung transplant programs can filter offers they will not accept and organ procurement organizations (OPOs) can find an accepting candidate more quickly. Users may need to clear the cache of their browser to access the updates to Offer Filters.

UNet Site Security Administrators will need to create a new group in Security Administration for individuals who need access to the Offer Filters Manager application.

OPOs also have a new workflow in DonorNet® when they make electronic offers on lung matches.

Offer filters are not applied to heart-lung registrations. Transplant programs may still receive offers for potential transplant recipients (PTRs) with heart-lung registrations, even if the offer meets lung filter criteria. Offer filters will still apply to the lung registration for heart-lung PTRs.

What you need to do

Transplant programs can use the Offer Filters Explorer in the Data Services Portal to view and modify recommended filters or create filters. Filters created in the explorer will not impact organ offers that come into your program.

Use the Offer Filters Manager in Secure EnterpriseSM to create filters, modify filters and turn filters on or off. The Offer Filters Manager has been pre-populated with your program’s model-recommended filters and the filters have been turned off by default.

Transplant programs’ UNet Site Security Administrator can grant access to the Offer Filters Manager and the Data Services Portal applications in UNet. If you are unsure of your UNet Security Administrator, call the UNet Help Desk at 1-800-978-4334 or email [email protected].

Education and resources

The OPTN is hosting a webinar on Offer Filters for lung allocation on Feb 12, 2024, from 5-6:00PM EST.

Follow the Offer Filters playlist in UNOS Connect to stay up-to-date on Offer Filters education, and review these available resources:

  • Offer Filters Explained (podcast-style)
  • Offer Filters for OPOs
  • Offer Filters for Transplant Programs
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